
"E" in all his glory...

"E" was baptized and confirmed a member of the church on Saturday December 6Th by non only than "uncle Allan" whom we think was sent here to be our "angel of light" because without him I truly think we would be lost in the shadows....I have never seen my son look so grown up until I saw him come up out of the water and smile like he has never smiled before...talk about a proud mama! We concluded our day by taking the kids to the Salt Lake Temple to admire the lights and peace that you feel just being on the grounds....

Jesus made saving repentance possible and He made baptism meaningful." — John H. Groberg, "The Lord's Wind," Ensign, November 1993, p. 26


Tyson, Amber & Alayna said...

That's so awesome! Congrats to him!

Megan said...

Congratulations to E and to you and L. What a wonderful day!

The Yarn Queen said...

What a special day for all of you. Congratulations to the family and newest member of your ward.