
Little Miss Personality

Our Princess wanted to be in a "Princess Pageant" so we entered her in the Little Miss Tooele County Pageant. She loved every minute of it from...
her trip to having her nails done "pink" of course

shopping for the perfect dress, trying on & modeling about eight dresses and getting the "pink" one with jewels and glitter "pink" ballet slippers. (sorry I forgot the camera on this day) =(
walking for the judges

answering her question-What is your favorite animal at the Zoo? "The Donkey" umm that was news to me too, maybe she was still thinking about the movie she watched the night before "SHREK"

her flowers and medal

her reaction "it's over"

"did I win"

she may not have won the crown but she definitley had fun and forever will remain

our little princess


Awesome Oettli's said...

I cannot believe how big she is. I haven't seen you for so long I only seem to remember Ethen at this age.

She is so beautiful. She looks so much like you. The pageant world is a lot of work I am sure. Good luck on the ones to come!

The Yarn Queen said...

She is so grown up and she does look lots like her Mom. What a beautiful little girl you've grown. And a fun experience.

♥Andrea said...

She is so cute and sassy!