
Last Week of Summer Fun...

The Kids had a busy weekend from Friday- finishing up school shopping, to Saturday - Family Reunion, A Birthday Party for our Goddaughter, & Fireworks, to Sunday - Hiking up and touring Timpanogos Caves, Picnics, 3 hours at Cabela's, Dinner at the Mayan (Ethan's choice), and hanging out the rest of the night with our good friends house, Finally finishing it all off with a non-stop fun-filled all day half night yup that's right Monday "where the fun is" LAGOON DAY" they forgot to mention in the commercials that it about an hour wait for all rides even kiddie land...oh well here's some pictures from the Hike.


Little Miss Personality

Our Princess wanted to be in a "Princess Pageant" so we entered her in the Little Miss Tooele County Pageant. She loved every minute of it from...
her trip to having her nails done "pink" of course

shopping for the perfect dress, trying on & modeling about eight dresses and getting the "pink" one with jewels and glitter "pink" ballet slippers. (sorry I forgot the camera on this day) =(
walking for the judges

answering her question-What is your favorite animal at the Zoo? "The Donkey" umm that was news to me too, maybe she was still thinking about the movie she watched the night before "SHREK"

her flowers and medal

her reaction "it's over"

"did I win"

she may not have won the crown but she definitley had fun and forever will remain

our little princess